Verbascum pulverulentum Vill. Investigation of Wound Healing Effects of Extract on Adult Human Dermal Fibroblast (HDFa) Cell Line

Research Article




Cell Culture, Epithelial Cell, Verbascum pulverulentum Vill, Wound Healing


Chemotherapy is among the methods frequently used in the treatment of cancer and is used to prevent the development and proliferation of cancerous cells. While chemotherapy prevents the proliferation and development of cancerous cells, it also damages normal cells. Oral mucosal epithelial cells are most affected by this cytotoxic damage of chemotherapy. Since oral mucosa epithelial cells have the ability to divide faster than other cells, chemotherapeutic agents suppress the growth and maturation of oral mucosa cells and disrupt the primary mucosal barrier in the mouth and throat. Oral mucositis that develops as a result is characterized by deterioration in the mucosal barrier, weakening of epithelial cells, erythema, edema, bleeding, frequent ulcerations, hoarseness, difficulty in speaking, difficulty in chewing and swallowing. Mucositis is an inflammatory change of the mucosa that can affect the entire digestive system, causing pain, mouth ulcers, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea and peristalsis disorders. Mucositis is a risk factor that increases the incidence of local and systemic infection, reduces quality of life, and limits radiation dose and chemotherapy. Due to mucositis damage, the risk of local and systemic infection increases, the quality of life decreases, the cost of treatment increases, and it causes limitations in radiation dose and delivery. In this study, Verbascum pulverulentum Vill. thanks to the candidate drug molecule to be developed with the extract, it is primarily aimed to accelerate the healing of buccal mucositis wounds that occur as a result of chemotherapy, to reduce the problem of wounds remaining open as wound healing is accelerated, and to reduce the possibility of infection with pathogenic microorganisms, and as a result, to reduce the prevalence of mucositis in chemotherapy patients.


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How to Cite

Nalcı, K. A., & Uygun, D. (2024). Verbascum pulverulentum Vill. Investigation of Wound Healing Effects of Extract on Adult Human Dermal Fibroblast (HDFa) Cell Line: Research Article. Europeanatolia Health Sciences Journal, 2(1), 13–18.