Trigger Factors and Effects of Alzheimer's Disease





Alzheimer's Disease, Genetic Factors, Environmental Risk Factors, Genetics, Neurobiological Pathways


Alzheimer's Disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by symptoms such as cognitive decline, memory loss and decreased activities of daily living. Factors that play a role in the development of this disease include genetic, environmental and neurobiological factors. The importance of genetic factors has been associated with early onset of the disease and family history. Environmental factors include lifestyle factors such as toxic metals, pesticides, nutrition, exercise and sleep patterns. Neurobiological mechanisms include amyloid cascade hypothesis, hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins, oxidative stress and inflammation. Alzheimer's Disease is diagnosed through clinical assessments and cognitive testing, and treatment options focus on symptom relief. Future research should aim to deepen our understanding of the aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease and develop more effective treatment and prevention strategies. The complex nature of Alzheimer's Disease is determined by the interaction of genetic, environmental and neurobiological factors and understanding these factors plays an important role in the management of the disease.


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How to Cite

Erdoğdu, Şükran. (2024). Trigger Factors and Effects of Alzheimer’s Disease: Review. Europeanatolia Health Sciences Journal, 2(1), 01–03.